Sunday, October 25, 2009

Please be considerate of other players in a WoW dungeon run.

WoW dungeon party can be really fun, especially among friends. However, there will be times when you need to play with strangers in a full party of 5 for a dungeon run. We call those PUG, meaning "pick up group". PUG can be hectic sometimes, because you don't know each other or their playing style, therefore the first few pulls can be rough. Now when it comes to magical items drop, or boss drop, please do play nice and be considerate of these other players in your group.

Greed or Need
The WOW rolling system for party is simple. You can either "greed" or "need" the magic item. "Need" rolls will out roll the "greed". By "needing" the item means it is an upgrade to you and therefore you need the item. "Greed" is usually in the mindset of 'I don't really need the item, therefore I'll greed it to sell or do what I want with the item if I win it.' For those who constantly "needing" something that they can't even use nor upgrade to them, we refer those looting thief players as "Ninja".

The difference between BoE & BoP
All magical items falls one of these categories. BoE or BoP.
-BoE item means binds on equip.
-BoP item means binds on pick up.

BoE item can be trade or sell in auction house before you equip the item. BoP item is soulbound to you the minute you pick it up, or win the roll for it. Majority of magic items from mobs will drop BoE items, very rarely do they drop BoP item.

BoP items majority come from Boss kills in a dungeon run only. When you greed or need roll on boss drop, it will warn you that "by looting this item will bind it to you"message as you see from above picture. BoP used to be not be able to trade if the wrong person wins the roll or pick it up. But Blizzard has changed it to 2hr duration on BoP item now, so that you can still trade that BoP item in your bag with whoever that was originally in the party with you as long as the timer still there as you can see from the picture below.

Be considerate of other players in the party
When I say please be considerate of other players in your party for dungeon run, I mean if someone needs the gears as upgrade, please let that person have it. And in return, other people will generally do the same for you. Especially when it comes to Boss drop, everyone really should think about which class will benefit the most for this piece of gears that just dropped.

For example, a 29 level BoP leather gloves just dropped off the boss your party has just killed. (using top picture as example) The gloves have strength and agility on it. Ask yourself this, which class can benefit most from this leather gloves. It is obviously a feral druid or rogue gear. Enhancement shaman could use it, not so great for a hunter but hunter can use it as well. All the plate, mail and cloth wearer should pass on it because it doesn't benefit you as much as the classes I mentioned before. So is there a rogue in your party? Or feral druid and shaman perhaps. Only these classes should be allow to need roll on the item only, the rest of players should be considerate enough to pass it.

Bottom line, if you can wear mail, please don't need roll on a BoP cloth gear when there's a cloth wearer in the party. Because cloth wearer can only wear cloth and nothing else. So please be considerate. I understand that enchanter needs magical items as a source for that profession. If you are an enchanter, let the party know a head of time, and ask them nicely if you can have those magic drops for your enchanting skill. For BoP drops, please do make sure that no one else needs the item for upgrade before you roll for it. And you should always 'greed' only on BoP, not 'need'. If you're not sure about what class wears what, or type of gears they should have, here's a basic break down for you.

Basic break down of classes' gears
The highlight * is your best choice for gears even though some classes can wear more variety then others. And I also list the basic stats that each class should be looking for.

Death Knight: *plate, mail, leather and cloth. Ideally plate with strength, stamina and AP (attack power).

Druid: *leather and cloth only. Strength, stamina, agility and AP for feral druid. Intellect, stamina and SP (spell power) for restoration and balance druid.

Hunter: *mail, leather and cloth. Agility, stamina and AP. Hunter can only learn to wear mail at level 40, so before that, leather is ideal.

Mage: *Cloth only. Intellect, stamina and SP.

Rogue: *leather and cloth. Strength, agility, stamina and AP.

Priest: *Cloth only. Intellect, stamina and SP.

Paladin: *plate, mail, leather and cloth. For holy paladin, intellect, stamina and SP. For protection and retribution paladins, Strength, stamina and AP.

Shaman: *mail, leather and cloth. For elemental and restoration shamans, intellect, stamina and SP. For enhancement shaman, agility, stamina, strength, AP and intellect.

Warlock: *Cloth only. Intellect, stamina and SP.

Warrior: *plate, mail, leather and cloth. Strength, stamina and AP.

Do Note that AP & SP are Not the same thing. AP only apply to melee and range missile (such as hunter) combat. SP only apply to spell casting. Do Not confuse with the 2 of them. Reason I mention this is because I've seen way to many people using the wrong gears on their characters.

In a situation where a cloth gear dropped, a holy paladin wants it because stats wise it is better then what the paladin has. In a case such as this, paladin should be considerate of other cloth wearers in the party first. Because clothies can't wear anything else but cloth. If one of the cloth wearers needs it, please do let that person have it since they can't use any other gears other then cloth. You can roll for it if non of the clothies need it as upgrade.

Same thing with a weapon drop. Everyone should always look at the stats and see which class can benefit most from it. You really should be generous enough to pass it to those players that need it the most.

Basically, please to be nice to other players and be generous and considerate. By doing so, you'll probably end up making new friends and make your dungeon run funner. If you go around ninja everything, you'll probably end up being kick from the group, end up on people's "ignore list", and you soon will be known as ninja around cities and no one will game with you at all. So please do play nicely with other people and have fun. After all, WoW is only a game.

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