Sunday, October 25, 2009

Please be considerate of other players in a WoW dungeon run.

WoW dungeon party can be really fun, especially among friends. However, there will be times when you need to play with strangers in a full party of 5 for a dungeon run. We call those PUG, meaning "pick up group". PUG can be hectic sometimes, because you don't know each other or their playing style, therefore the first few pulls can be rough. Now when it comes to magical items drop, or boss drop, please do play nice and be considerate of these other players in your group.

Greed or Need
The WOW rolling system for party is simple. You can either "greed" or "need" the magic item. "Need" rolls will out roll the "greed". By "needing" the item means it is an upgrade to you and therefore you need the item. "Greed" is usually in the mindset of 'I don't really need the item, therefore I'll greed it to sell or do what I want with the item if I win it.' For those who constantly "needing" something that they can't even use nor upgrade to them, we refer those looting thief players as "Ninja".

The difference between BoE & BoP
All magical items falls one of these categories. BoE or BoP.
-BoE item means binds on equip.
-BoP item means binds on pick up.

BoE item can be trade or sell in auction house before you equip the item. BoP item is soulbound to you the minute you pick it up, or win the roll for it. Majority of magic items from mobs will drop BoE items, very rarely do they drop BoP item.

BoP items majority come from Boss kills in a dungeon run only. When you greed or need roll on boss drop, it will warn you that "by looting this item will bind it to you"message as you see from above picture. BoP used to be not be able to trade if the wrong person wins the roll or pick it up. But Blizzard has changed it to 2hr duration on BoP item now, so that you can still trade that BoP item in your bag with whoever that was originally in the party with you as long as the timer still there as you can see from the picture below.

Be considerate of other players in the party
When I say please be considerate of other players in your party for dungeon run, I mean if someone needs the gears as upgrade, please let that person have it. And in return, other people will generally do the same for you. Especially when it comes to Boss drop, everyone really should think about which class will benefit the most for this piece of gears that just dropped.

For example, a 29 level BoP leather gloves just dropped off the boss your party has just killed. (using top picture as example) The gloves have strength and agility on it. Ask yourself this, which class can benefit most from this leather gloves. It is obviously a feral druid or rogue gear. Enhancement shaman could use it, not so great for a hunter but hunter can use it as well. All the plate, mail and cloth wearer should pass on it because it doesn't benefit you as much as the classes I mentioned before. So is there a rogue in your party? Or feral druid and shaman perhaps. Only these classes should be allow to need roll on the item only, the rest of players should be considerate enough to pass it.

Bottom line, if you can wear mail, please don't need roll on a BoP cloth gear when there's a cloth wearer in the party. Because cloth wearer can only wear cloth and nothing else. So please be considerate. I understand that enchanter needs magical items as a source for that profession. If you are an enchanter, let the party know a head of time, and ask them nicely if you can have those magic drops for your enchanting skill. For BoP drops, please do make sure that no one else needs the item for upgrade before you roll for it. And you should always 'greed' only on BoP, not 'need'. If you're not sure about what class wears what, or type of gears they should have, here's a basic break down for you.

Basic break down of classes' gears
The highlight * is your best choice for gears even though some classes can wear more variety then others. And I also list the basic stats that each class should be looking for.

Death Knight: *plate, mail, leather and cloth. Ideally plate with strength, stamina and AP (attack power).

Druid: *leather and cloth only. Strength, stamina, agility and AP for feral druid. Intellect, stamina and SP (spell power) for restoration and balance druid.

Hunter: *mail, leather and cloth. Agility, stamina and AP. Hunter can only learn to wear mail at level 40, so before that, leather is ideal.

Mage: *Cloth only. Intellect, stamina and SP.

Rogue: *leather and cloth. Strength, agility, stamina and AP.

Priest: *Cloth only. Intellect, stamina and SP.

Paladin: *plate, mail, leather and cloth. For holy paladin, intellect, stamina and SP. For protection and retribution paladins, Strength, stamina and AP.

Shaman: *mail, leather and cloth. For elemental and restoration shamans, intellect, stamina and SP. For enhancement shaman, agility, stamina, strength, AP and intellect.

Warlock: *Cloth only. Intellect, stamina and SP.

Warrior: *plate, mail, leather and cloth. Strength, stamina and AP.

Do Note that AP & SP are Not the same thing. AP only apply to melee and range missile (such as hunter) combat. SP only apply to spell casting. Do Not confuse with the 2 of them. Reason I mention this is because I've seen way to many people using the wrong gears on their characters.

In a situation where a cloth gear dropped, a holy paladin wants it because stats wise it is better then what the paladin has. In a case such as this, paladin should be considerate of other cloth wearers in the party first. Because clothies can't wear anything else but cloth. If one of the cloth wearers needs it, please do let that person have it since they can't use any other gears other then cloth. You can roll for it if non of the clothies need it as upgrade.

Same thing with a weapon drop. Everyone should always look at the stats and see which class can benefit most from it. You really should be generous enough to pass it to those players that need it the most.

Basically, please to be nice to other players and be generous and considerate. By doing so, you'll probably end up making new friends and make your dungeon run funner. If you go around ninja everything, you'll probably end up being kick from the group, end up on people's "ignore list", and you soon will be known as ninja around cities and no one will game with you at all. So please do play nicely with other people and have fun. After all, WoW is only a game.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My WoW Auction House basic guide.

Some people are really having hard time getting gold for their WoW character. Farming for gold is actually really easy, you just have to know how. The secret of making tons of WoW gold is the auction house of course, all you need to do is learn how to use it to your advantage. Majority of the paid gold farming guides out there resort to auction house actually. The last thing you want to do is buying gold online, by doing so, you will either get suspended or banned by Blizzard from playing WoW. So learn how to play auction house and make your easy gold.

When you start out as a new WoW character, you want to get at least one gathering skills for your profession if you don't have a high level toon to support you. You can train for your professions at level 5. You can only have two primary skills only, so pick them wisely. For primary skills, there are Alchemy, Blacksmith, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewel Crafting, Leather Working, Tailoring, Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning. Your 3 gathering skills are of course Mining, Skinning and Herbalism. So you can pick 2 out of 3 gathering skills as your primary profession.

As a low level WoW toon, I always started out by taking mining(mineral gathering) and herbalism(flower gathering) as profession. They are the easiest way to earn gold from the auction house. Because blacksmith, engineering and jewel crafting all require minerals for their profession, and herbs are needed for alchemy and inscription. Therefore minerals and herbs are the quickest seller in auction house. Do note that you can only have one tracking on at the time if you pick both mining and herbalism for profession, so you may need to alternate the tracking to let you find the minerals or the herbs.

So gather your minerals, herbs or skinning as you questing. Once you have full stack at 20, set them aside in your bags. The next time you're in a city, go to the auction house. Using copper ore as example, you want to search the auction house first to see what the market is like. At the top left hand corner of auction house where it says "Name" is your search engine. You can type in the name of the item you want to search for, or click on the "name" box, and then go Shift- left click on the copper ore in your bag and click on the big red "search" button at the top right hand corner of auction house will bring up the search. You can narrow the search by highlight the categories and even sub categories on the left hand side of the auction. Minerals are a trade goods item, you'll find all the mineral listing under that category.

The above is an example for the search. There are addons out there for auction house that let you scan the auction house for all existing items and their recent prices. But I prefer to do the search manually because the market changes all the time, you may not be selling item at current market price if you go according to auctioneer addon. Plus it takes a while for the addons to scan the auction house.

Going back to the example above, as you can see there are not a lot of copper ore in there at the moment. The usually selling price usually around 1g range around most servers, but again, market demands changes all the time, so it's best to do the search for current prices. Now that you have the prices, go under the "Auctions" tab at the bottom left hand corner where it has "Browse", "Bids" and "Auctions" tabs.

And here's what you see on the "Auctions" tab. You have your auction item, starting price, duration, buyout price, deposits and Create Auction. So click and drag your copper ore into the auction item box at top left corner.

Here's my trick to playing the auction. As you can see above, the cheapest starting bid price for the full stack of auction is 2 gold, 1 silver & 50 copper. The buyout is at 3 gold. So, you can either match the buyout price at 3 gold or sell it just slightly under 3 gold, like 2g 90s for buyout. You also want your starting price at slightly lower then what that person has his in at. This is so that when people search for the item, you want it to come up on top of others. Because WoW players buying habit is usually buying the first one they see. Even if you match the price at 3g, if you have lower starting price then the others, the search will top the others. So the rule is, match the selling price or sell it slightly lower price, and always a lower starting price then others.

You can put them in for 12 hours period, 24 hours or 48 hours. The longer you put them in, the higher the deposits will be. I usually stick with 48 hours long. And once everything set, you "Create Auction". And just need to have some patient for your items to be sold.

The auction will always recommend a starting price, Do Not go by it. Also, you should always have a buyout price. If you don't, the auction will only allow people to bid on the starting price and you won't get your gold until the auction time runs out. That is assuming people bid on it of course.

WoW players shopping habit is "I'm looking for what I want and I want it Now". With no buyout price is annoying to those people, and therefore you'll loose potential customers. Remember that. Plus you may not even have people bid on your item if you don't have a super low starting price. Then the only customers you get with super low starting price are those auctioneer players who buy low and re-sell at higher price in Auction house. And you'll loose the maximum potential of what the item could have been sold at.

If you have the time and resource, by all means, search the auction house for those super low starting price items and bid on them. Should you win them, you can resell them for higher price and make your profit that way.

So I hope this will help you start up on playing the WoW auction house to make you gold you needed for playing the game. :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

An overview of gears you should have for WoW's druid class.

What kind of gears should you have for your WoW classes? With 10 classes in total, it can get quite confussing if you're new to WoW game. Different classes need to look for certain stats in gears whether it's strenght, stamina, agility, intellect or spirit. And different classes can also wear different types of gears in plates, mails, leathers or cloth. Event within a certain class such a druid, due to different talent trees, it is crucial that you get the right stats in leather gears to let you play at the maximun potential of that class and spec.

Druid class can only wear as high as leather for gears. There are Balance, Feral, and Restoration spec for druid class. Here it can get quite confussing as to what stats you should look for in gears if you don't know your class well.

Balance is mainly a dps spell casting class. The stats you want for this spec in both gears and weapon are intellect (which is your mana pool), stamina (your health), and spell power bonus (let you do more spell damage then it should've). Critical is always a bonus too, but you mainly want to look for those 3 stats. Intellect, stamina, and spell power. Some people collect cloth gears for balance spec because cloth gears usually have the highest stats in those 3 department and more. If you're in a party, with a good tank and healer, you don't need to worry about your defence or your health. Because all you doing in standing in the distant away from harm's way and cast your range spells. Always stay in Moonkin form for dps when you're high enough for it. It has added armor bonus and increase your critical rating.

Feral druid can be neither a bear tank or do melee damage at cat form. For a bear tank, you want stamina, strenght, dodge rating as primary. Agility is good for you as well because it is your critical bonus and extra armor bonus. Since you won't be able to find too many strenght, stamina, and agility stats combo in gears until you hit Outland, you best stick with stamina, strenght stats for tanking for below 58 level. "Beast" set in Outland gears has all these 3 stats in gears. It is a good gear for feral druid if you don't do a lot of instant runs. Dodge rating is important as well because Druids can't block, they can only dodge at enemey's attacks. Most of the good stats gears with dodge rating only come from dungeon drop unfortunately. And most Outland and Northrend leather gears or weapons automatically come with attack power in gears, so it is always a bonus.

Cat form however you want agility and stamina as primary at lower levels. Think of cat form as a rogue. Agility of course is your critical bonus and your armor bonus. With high agility, you can do a lot of melee damage in cat form, a lot more so then bear form. Strenght is your attack power, which translates into your melee damage. But again at lower level, it's hard to find gears with sgility, stamina and strenght combo until you hit Outland and Northrend. So you best stick with gears that have agility and stamina combo at low level.

Cat form is design to do massive amount of melee damage, bear form is for tanking. And like most tanking class, you're design to produce aggro, hold the aggro, and taking damage. Bears aren't design to do a lot of damage. Most poeple will wear a combination of strenght/stamina, and agility/stamina gears at low level, because they figured no sense of collecting multiple sets of gears since you're leveling fast at low level. Some people however will collect 2 sets of gears for the 2 forms. Strenght/stamina for bear form, and agility/stamina for cat form. Also, DON'T forget to work on your weapon skill for feral spec, because your weapon skill will reflect the over all damage you do. The higher your weapon skill at, the more damage you'll do.

Restoration is a healing class. As a healing class, you definitely want intellect, spirit, stamina, spell power, and mana regeneration in gears. Intellect is your mana, spirit is your mana and health regeneration, stamina is your health. Mana regeneration gears will state the amount of "mana per 5 sec". It is helpful during combat for gaining your mana back. Where as spirit only applies to health & mana regeneration out of combat, or mana regeneration in combat only if you stop casting spell for about 5 sec.
I've seen a lot of resto druid and balance druid wearing cloths instead of leather because cloth gears are usually higher in those stats then leathers. With a good tank and a good party, you won't need to worry about your armor in dungeon, therefore having cloth gears can be beneficial since you'll last longer in mana pool and be able to heal more. You should always stay in tree form for healing when you're high enough for it, because you'll heal a lot more and use less mana in the end. Visit other blog for healer's role in a dungeon run party.

With the dual spec now available in WoW, you really want to collect 2 sets of different gears especially if you are dual spec in feral/ balance, or feral/ restoration. Changing to the right set of gears according to the current spec you're in. You can get away with one set of gear if you're dual spec in balance/ restoration, because the stats you want for gears are similar enough that you can get away with it. So. I hope this overview of Druid class gears will help you maximize your class potential even more with the proper gears on when you're playing WoW.