Sunday, August 30, 2009

What you need to know about WoW guides.

There are many WoW game guides out there. Some come in hand books form, and some come in CD that you install on to your computer so that it intergrates into the game play. Some are design for fast leveling, while some are more focus on serious game play. If you're looking for a WoW game guide, you need to ask yourself this..

What type of gaming style do you play? And what purpose are you getting the game guide for?

Are you a hard core gamer, a role player? A PvP player? Or a more relax gamer like me who take my time to enjoy the game at my own pace. And what purpose are you using the guide for? For a power leveling to 80, making WoW gold, and to learn to be the best PvP player perhaps.

Below are an overview list of the best WoW game guide I come across with that are best for certain usage depending on what you looking for. One thing in common is that they all contain gold farming tips. For a more detail review, you can either visit my squidoo page or my hubpage for these game guides.

Zygor In-Game Alliance & Horde World Of Warcraft 1-80 Leveling Guides - This game guide will garantee to get you 1-80 level in just a week of played time. It intergrates the guide into your game play. It is super easy to use and easy to understand. Available both in Alliance and Horde for $50 each.

Joanas 1-80 Horde Leveling World Of Warcraft Guide - This WoW guide does similar job, but it's only available for the Horde side. The guide comes in 1-70 guide for $45, 70-80 guide for $47.

Dugi's World Of Warcraft Dailies And Events Quest Guide - This is gear towards the 80s for offering the best routes for doing their daily quests in Northrend for reputation farming. You can get all 25 dailies done within 2 hours, where as on average will take people 4 hours or more to do all 25 dailies. And it comes with annual events quest guide as well. $47 for Dugi's guide.

Warcraft Pros - This comes in a package of handbooks on all the classes, or you can purchase handbook separately on each class. The handbooks are indepth guide to teach you how to best play your class, whether you are soloing, in a group, battle grounds or raid. It also provides insights to your talent build, and PvP tactics & strategies. Each class handbook is sold for $27 each, or the whole package for $77.

Warcraft Formula - This is a membership based guide for those who are serious about WoW gaming. They'll let you in all the secrets that these top elite players use to make you one of the best players on your server. They will teach you how to dominate in Raid, Battle Grounds, and Arena. Plus really great tips on gold farming too. This 'elite WoW club' is $17/month.

So you need to decide what type of gaming style do you play in, and the purpose you want the WoW game guide for before you random buy the wrong one.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Spell Power and Attack Power

Spell power and attack power. Not to be confuse with each other. Spell power only applies to the spell casting class like mage, warlock, balance druid, elemental shaman, priest and etc. Basically anything has to do with spells. Attack power only applies to range weapons damage and melee weapon damage. Like a warrior, rogue, hunter etc. Basically any class that use their weapon for fighting.

My husband and I have been playing WoW since the game came out. Although we are never one of those hard core raiders, we still know our game very well. We simply enjoy playing the game with each other and with our online friends. Due to server lag issue, we recently started playing on another server. One thing we noticed is that there are A Lot of inexperience players out there. We are not talking about lowbies players, we are talking about the 60s, 70s and 80s players. This is all thank to Blizzard fast tracking in leveling, these players have no time to learn how to play their class properly.

Not to be mean or anything, but there are players out there who doesn't even know the difference between spell power gears and attack power gears. We met a priest who's wearing attack power gears on her. Yikes!! Attack power is useless for a priest, it does nothing to boost your spell power. Unless you are going to club your enemy to death with your main weapon, you best stick with your spell casting and go with spell power gears. Then there's a rogue with spell power gears on. lol

So Spell Power = spell casting class

Attack Power = melee and range weapon class

Not to be confuse with each other!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My favorite game guide to WoW

A side from love doing arts and crafts, I am also a huge anime junkie and a World of Warcraft (WoW) addict. To those who know or heard the game WoW, the World of Warcarft is a huge world and you can do a lot in this game. You can play online with your friends, meet new people. You can go fishing if you don’t want to do anything else. There are just endless possibilities of what you can do or want to do on this game. That’s what make it so much fun and addictive. But when it comes to leveling your character, there are number of ways to level of course. Such as dungeon runs or grinding mobs. And the best way to power level your character from level 1 to 80 is through questing. How fast you can level determines by how fast you can get your quests done of course. And the key to this power level secret is knowing which quests to get or not to get, where to go for your quests, and what to do for your quests.

Zygor in-game Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft 1-80 leveling Guide does just that. It is really easy to use, easy to understand, and guarantee to power level you from 1 to 80 in just over a week of played time! The guide tells you exactly what quests you need to get. Shows you where you need to go for the quests. And what you need to do to get your quests done fast. Often times, there are multiple quests that you can do in a certain area, and to those people that do not know about the other quests, they have to double back to the same area again 2 or 3 times just to get the other quests done. Doing quests this way is a huge waste of time. With Zygor’s WoW guide, it tells you exactly where you need to go to pick up multiple quests for that same area. There are other WoW game guides out there of course. But a lot of them are based on certain classes only, and let’s face it... not all classes are as easy to level as a hunter class. Zygor’s WoW guide takes consideration of all classes, and it even tells you which item reward to get from the quest that is best for your class. I have been playing WoW since the game came out. From a personal experience, Zygor’s WoW guide definitely beats out all other game guides out there for power leveling your character. So why don’t you get one today and try it yourself and be amaze at how fast you can level! Get your Zygor in-game Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft 1-80 leveling Guide TODAY!!